Be our Delicious valentine!

Delicious Boutique Pre-Valentine’s Sale and Party! Whoo Hoo!
February 7th, 2009 6-9pm– Receive 20% off jewelry, lingerie & Delicious Corsets and 10% off regular priced boutique merchandise and corset orders. Wine and snacks will be served.
Is your boyfriend gift-challenged? Does he claim you are too hard to shop for? Give him a little helping hand, pick out what you want and put it on your Delicious Boutique Wish List.
Come try things on, tie one on (pun intended), and nosh at
Delicious Boutique and Corseterie.
We hope to see you then!
Anything purchased from your Wish List before end of day Feb 14 will receive the same discounts offered at the Feb. 7th in store party.
1040 N. American Street #901, Philadelphia, PA 19123.
Questions? Want to RSVP?
[email protected]
[email protected]